Our Services
Elevate your car care routine with our comprehensive range of services. From exterior washing to interior detailing and diagnostic tests, we’ve got everything you need to keep your vehicle looking and performing its best.
Exterior Washing
Restore your car’s shine with our expert exterior washing service. Our meticulous approach ensures every inch of your vehicle is cleaned to perfection, leaving it gleaming and protected against the elements.
Engine Cleaning
Keep your engine running smoothly with our professional engine cleaning service. Our expert technicians use advanced techniques to remove dirt and grease, ensuring optimal performance and longevity for your vehicle.
Interior Cleaning
Revitalize your car’s interior with our comprehensive cleaning service. From upholstery to dashboard, we’ll remove dirt and grime, leaving your vehicle looking and feeling fresh and inviting.
Vaccum Cleaning
Banish dirt and debris with our thorough vacuum cleaning service. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures every nook and cranny of your car’s interior is left spotless, providing a fresh and tidy environment for your travels.
Diagnostic Tests
Ensure peak performance with our thorough diagnostic tests. Our skilled technicians use cutting-edge technology to pinpoint any issues, providing you with peace of mind and ensuring your vehicle stays safe and reliable on the road.
Schedule An Appointment
Book your next car wash appointment with ease. Choose your preferred date and time, and let us take care of the rest. Experience convenience and quality with Citi Car Wash.
$35 (Regular)
$40 (SUV)
CCW Wash Package
- Waterless Exterior Hand Wash
- Vacuum Interior
- Wipe down of Dashboard
- Clean windows inside and out
- Clean mirrors and door jams
$300 (Regular)
$350 (SUV)
Complete Detail Package
- Waterless Exterior Hand Wash
- Vacuum Interior
- Wipe down of Dashboard
- Clean windows inside and out
- Clean mirrors and door jams
$150 (Regular)
$170 (SUV)
Interior Detail Package
- Waterless Exterior Hand Wash
- Vacuum Interior
- Wipe down of Dashboard
- Clean windows inside and out
- Clean mirrors and door jams
Let's Quick Schedule Your Appointment!
Ready to schedule your appointment? Let’s make it quick and easy! Choose your preferred date and time, and get ready to experience the ultimate car care at Citi Car Wash.